Friday, 23 September 2011

Finding AS Video Task

Finding AS Video Task:
Set: Sept 23
Due: on blogs (can do as group but must be on blogs individually)  Thur Sept 29

As a group find 3 effective opening sequences from youtube. Search AS opening sequences. Grade them with a level and a mark. Complete this as a post on your blog:
Title:  Finding AS Video Task
Introduction: (in post) I had to….. We thought…….I learned…….
Embed each of the video on blog and write in the levels for each bullet point and then give it overall level and mark.
Optional: WWW & EBI for each video

Level 1  0-23                  Level 2  24-35               Level 3  36-47               Level 4  48-60

1.        Title of opening sequence:                                                                                 Overall Level _______   Mark: _______
Youtube address:

The candidate is expected to demonstrate ____________ in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

______-holding a shot steady, where appropriate;
______-framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
______-using a variety of shot distances as appropriate; 
______-shooting material appropriate to the task set;
______-selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
______-editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer;
______-using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately;
______-using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task.
______-using titles appropriately

2.        Title of opening sequence:                                                                                 Overall Level _______   Mark: _______
Youtube address:

The candidate is expected to demonstrate ____________ in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

______-holding a shot steady, where appropriate;
______-framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
______-using a variety of shot distances as appropriate; 
______-shooting material appropriate to the task set;
______-selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
______-editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer;
______-using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately;
______-using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task.
______-using titles appropriately

3.        Title of opening sequence:                                                                                 Overall Level _______   Mark: _______
Youtube address:

The candidate is expected to demonstrate ____________ in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

______-holding a shot steady, where appropriate;
______-framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
______-using a variety of shot distances as appropriate; 
______-shooting material appropriate to the task set;
______-selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
______-editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer;
______-using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately;
______-using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task.
______-using titles appropriately

You can see these as examples but CANNOT be used for the assignment: you must find 3 other videos (newer)

*keep in mind these are from various years and do not necessarily meet the requirements of your task, it is just to give you some ideas…

3. somewhat interesting idea but choppy, vague and poorly edited

4. interesting idea, very poor editing, sounds, good range of shots, inconsistent titles

5. very good range of shots and match on action, very poor sound and no titles

6. good range of shots and titles, special effects with sound co-ordination, NOT 2 minutes

7. superb sound and special effects and graphics, NOT 2 minutes

8. flows well, nice titles opening, shot with candles, music is excellent, NOT 2 mins, flow problem – jumps around a little, at times short film rather than opening sequence,

9. excellent music and framing of shots, excellent use of titles and range of shots, develops suspense VERY well

A clear and strong level 4 with effectiveness in all categories on mark scheme:

11. clear and focused level 4, range of shots, co-ordination of special effects with sound, music develops suspense, simple yet very effective

Other cool videos:  cool stop animation titles not related task, but good shots/framing, film noir elements, interesting approach to titles with the paper (stop animation) rest of it is rubbish!

Good luck!

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