Thursday, 29 September 2011

Homework for Sept 29

Set: Sept 29
Due: Monday Oct 3

Most of you did not quite understand or complete assignment 5 correctly, for homework I would like you to:

1. Improve your presentations
2. Revise for test on media key terms (use the sheets I posted awhile back and you might have to do a bit of research on those terms if you don't quite understand them) 
3. Revise for re-take of construction marks test
4. SHORT TASK:  can be done in groups, complete as a blog post or powerpoint presentation, use pictures to support
a) general research of BBFC
b) details of age restrictions in films (U, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18) Make sure you give brief information as to what are the allowances and restrictions of these films.
c) Optional: give examples of films for the ratings
The tests will be on Monday Oct 3

Good luck!

E-mail accounts and teacher assessment

Few things:

-you must make sure your gmail/googlemail e-mail is active or your blog will be shut down, this has already happened to a student and she had to re-make the blog

For teacher assessment, I will e-mail you the copy of my feedback and your grade which is expected to be posted on your blog. You must check the class blog and your e-mail regularly for these.

I am missing e-mails from the following people:

You all must e-mail me at and write your blog address in the e-mail please. YOU MUST E-MAIL ME THESE BY SATURDAY OCT 1 or you will be in 1 hour detention for not submitting these because I can't mark your blogs.

RAMINA (incorrect)

Here is a copy of what I wrote in e-mail for the teacher assessment for assignment 5:

Here is your feedback for assignment 5: inspiration film scene. Be sure to put on your blog along with:

Title: Assignment 5: inspiration Film Scene, Teacher Assessment
Post: Reflecting on your performance (WWW/EBI, what  you learned, targets to improve)
Picture: embed the picture attached in this e-mail

This is Due by Monday September 29th

Miss Connell

Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Assignment 5 Assessment Criteria

This is the assessment criteria I will be using to assess your inspiration scene presentations.

Level 1: incomplete/minimal           Level 2: basic        Level 3: proficient               Level 4: excellent
U-D-                                                        E+-C                        C+-B+                                     A-A*                      

1.       ____ Overall presentation skills: formality, not reading from board, speaking to audience, voice levels
2.       ____ Knowledge of genre and subgenre
3.       ____ Knowledge of conventions of genre/subgenre
4.       ____ Completing minimum requirement of film examples
5.       ____ Ability to choose appropriate, wide range of film examples
6.       ____ Use of range of still images
7.       ____ Use of still images as evidence (screen shots)
8.       ____ Labelling images with captions/brief bullet points
9.       ____ Use of clear, brief and information (text) (not lengthy paragraphs)
10.    ____ Overall presentation and layout of slides
11.    ____ Use of moving image (selecting brief, appropriate clips)
12.    ____ ability to follow instructions but also interpret instructions
13.    ____ Overall effort
14.    ____ Overall analysis of the following:
a)       ___Denotation
b) ___Connotation
c) ___How does scene employ conventions of genre
d) ___Who is target audience? How does the scene cater to that specific audience?
e) ___Character(s) and representation of the character(s)
f) ___Filming techniques: camera shots/angles/movement
g) ___Music
h) ___Lighting
i) ___Costume/props
j) ___Mood/atmosphere
k) ___Anything else you feel is relevant
l) ___Optional: relate films/scenes to a historical context


Overall level:  _________                                                 Overall grade: ___________

Friday, 23 September 2011

Finding AS Video Task

Finding AS Video Task:
Set: Sept 23
Due: on blogs (can do as group but must be on blogs individually)  Thur Sept 29

As a group find 3 effective opening sequences from youtube. Search AS opening sequences. Grade them with a level and a mark. Complete this as a post on your blog:
Title:  Finding AS Video Task
Introduction: (in post) I had to….. We thought…….I learned…….
Embed each of the video on blog and write in the levels for each bullet point and then give it overall level and mark.
Optional: WWW & EBI for each video

Level 1  0-23                  Level 2  24-35               Level 3  36-47               Level 4  48-60

1.        Title of opening sequence:                                                                                 Overall Level _______   Mark: _______
Youtube address:

The candidate is expected to demonstrate ____________ in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

______-holding a shot steady, where appropriate;
______-framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
______-using a variety of shot distances as appropriate; 
______-shooting material appropriate to the task set;
______-selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
______-editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer;
______-using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately;
______-using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task.
______-using titles appropriately

2.        Title of opening sequence:                                                                                 Overall Level _______   Mark: _______
Youtube address:

The candidate is expected to demonstrate ____________ in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

______-holding a shot steady, where appropriate;
______-framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
______-using a variety of shot distances as appropriate; 
______-shooting material appropriate to the task set;
______-selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
______-editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer;
______-using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately;
______-using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task.
______-using titles appropriately

3.        Title of opening sequence:                                                                                 Overall Level _______   Mark: _______
Youtube address:

The candidate is expected to demonstrate ____________ in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

______-holding a shot steady, where appropriate;
______-framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
______-using a variety of shot distances as appropriate; 
______-shooting material appropriate to the task set;
______-selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
______-editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer;
______-using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately;
______-using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task.
______-using titles appropriately

You can see these as examples but CANNOT be used for the assignment: you must find 3 other videos (newer)

*keep in mind these are from various years and do not necessarily meet the requirements of your task, it is just to give you some ideas…

3. somewhat interesting idea but choppy, vague and poorly edited

4. interesting idea, very poor editing, sounds, good range of shots, inconsistent titles

5. very good range of shots and match on action, very poor sound and no titles

6. good range of shots and titles, special effects with sound co-ordination, NOT 2 minutes

7. superb sound and special effects and graphics, NOT 2 minutes

8. flows well, nice titles opening, shot with candles, music is excellent, NOT 2 mins, flow problem – jumps around a little, at times short film rather than opening sequence,

9. excellent music and framing of shots, excellent use of titles and range of shots, develops suspense VERY well

A clear and strong level 4 with effectiveness in all categories on mark scheme:

11. clear and focused level 4, range of shots, co-ordination of special effects with sound, music develops suspense, simple yet very effective

Other cool videos:  cool stop animation titles not related task, but good shots/framing, film noir elements, interesting approach to titles with the paper (stop animation) rest of it is rubbish!

Good luck!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

New Assignment: Inspirational scenes from films

Set: Sept 22
Due: Sept 26

You have now learned more about genres, subgenres and their conventions. Your new task is to analyse specific scenes in films that are inspirational in some way to you. Choose scenes that are realistic (ex. Nothing with advanced special effects). Your task is to analyse 3-5 scenes from films and discuss how they could inspire you for an idea for an opening sequence. You can show the clip on video but it must be less than 30 seconds. You should also use still images and label them, remember must always document your evidence and points!

You may work in any genre or subgenre with drama, film noir, horror/thriller for the 3-5 examples. If you would like to do more examples it can be from any genre.

Consider and discuss the following:
a) Denotation
b) Connotation
c) How does scene employ conventions of genre
d) Who is target audience? How does the scene cater to that specific audience?
e) Character(s) and representation of the character(s)
f) Filming techniques: camera shots/angles/movement
g) Music
h) Lighting
i) Costume/props
j) Mood/atmosphere
k) Anything else you feel is relevant
l) Optional: relate films/scenes to a historical context

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Group Assessment Criteria

This is the criteria sheet I used to evaluate your group presentations.

Use this when you make your new presentations (draft 2) so you know where you are at; it's also a good way to track everything you should have in it

Monday, 19 September 2011

Preliminary Editing and Blog

Editing the preliminary was done in class on Monday Sept 19th, any editing left to do must now be done in free time.

The edited final preliminary is due on Wed Sept 21, and also the blog about the preliminary (on the whole list)

Friday, 16 September 2011

Homework for Friday Sept 16

Set: Friday Sept 16
Due: Monday Sept 19

1. Improve presentations*
2. Revise the media key terms sheets and terminology map
3. Write a short blog about what you did this week:
a) What did you do?
b) What progress did you make?
c) What did you learn?
d) What needs to be done to improve?

*everyone needs to work on and improve the following:
-use the peer assessment sheets to remember what to include!
-actor and character detail and information - havent seen this yet
-inspirational films: not just title/cover of film. You should have stills from the film with DETAIL how what specifically you were inspired by and include a range of images to support. You should be getting inspiration from at least 3-5 inspirational films (mostly similar to your genre)
-much more detail in storyboard - need more boxes! EVERY shot
-proper script format

Well done to all your efforts this week, some people need to work a bit harder but overall I've noticed good effort in everyone. Keep at it with a positive attitude and show willingness to improve and you will get there.

Well done to Cerise, Paula and Mickella who improved on their preliminary presentations from a U grade to a C+!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Scripts, Storyboard and Shotlist

Here are some templates for scripts, storyboards and shotlist. Remember pay very close attention to detail, I see people still aren't getting the scripts correct!

KEEP ALL YOUR increases your mark to show that you are drafting your work!!!!!!!  (you can do this by adding onto your powerpoints with a clear label: draft 1, draft2, draft 3 etc.)

1st one is blank and 2nd one has the labels to label what things are

This one is the best one.  Be sure to number your boxes and draw EACH shot. Then write a description underneath.
Example : Long shot of girl walking to door.

Storyboard #2
This storyboard is good for lots of written detail for very short tasks. Downfall is you will have to many pages - the written example is good to see what to write but try to stick with the one above.

There isn't one way to do a shotlist. This is quite a detailed one or you could stick with the example I gave you before (below)

Shot # Type of Shot Description Costume/prop

Or you could use this:

Filming Tips (for preliminary)

Sept 15

1. Know the plans and review:
a. Script
b. Storyboard/shotlist
c. Overhead plan
d. Your job role
2. No zooming! It is not natural for zooming (no one’s eyes can zoom therefore it looks unnatural on screen)
a. Use CUTS instead
3. Keep your tripod steady, no shaking unless you are making it look handheld on purpose.
4. Limit your use of panning, again – not natural.
5. To film reverse shots:
a. Film all of person A speaking
b. Then film all of person B speaking
c. (not back and forth)
6. Be conscious of continuity of props/costumes (keeping them in same place)
7. Remember to use match on action (1 action, multiple shots)
8. If you mess up, keep recording, you edit it out later.
9. Have a practice run without recording before you record to prevent lengthy errors.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Uploading problem

Apparently there are problems with uploading powerpoints (or other documents) into google docs (to embed on your blog).

The technician has confirmed that this is a problem with Internet Explorer. If you use another browser such as chrome, mozilla, safari or if you have a Mac, it will work on those.

He said we have to wait so until then you can use Mac's in media room (on lunch or after school) OR do it from home if you have another type of browser other than Internet Explorer.

THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU DON'T DO WORK OR GETTING EXTENSIONS! - you have to keep up - I've explained the options.

I'll keep you informed.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Filming Jobs

***This person should have A’s/B’s in subject and excellent leadership skills.
Main person in charge of how the film is made/should look.
Responsible and can overlook people/scripts/plans to create new spontaneous ideas.
How to set the mood and visual look (angles and mise-en-scene) of the film.
Instructs first assistant director and works with Director of Photography.

***This person should have excellent group working & listening skills.
Assists the director, helps create their ideas, helps to manage the team.
Watches time, reminds director of how much time is remaining.
Is person who says ‘CUT’ ‘ACTION’ ‘PLACES’ and so on…
Works and instructs all positions to ensure people are doing job.
Organises actors and locations – should keep an organised record for these

***This person should have excellent listening and ‘ability to work quickly’ skills and strong ATTENTION TO DETAIL!!
Art director is responsible to all props and costumes. They make sure all props/costumes are ready to go and everyone is wearing/got everything they needs.
Makes sure and checks the supply of props (E.g. Enough supplies/props if scene is to be re-shot a few times.
Replenishes props if needed.
Records prop and costume positioning, which ensures that there is good continuity. (Have paper to write down)

***This person should have excellent artistic and visual skills.
This person must be able to make sure that what goes on screen looks visually pleasing.
Checks Mise-En-Scene (shapes on screen)
Lighting issues, can add filters.
Ensures the visuals are setting mood and making people feel a certain way. (E.g. Extreme close up of a teary eye will make audience sad)
Checks Mise-En-Scene (shapes on screen)
Works with director, to listen/make sure the visuals are good and setting the mood.
Helps and instructs camera operators, could film .

***Everyone should do this, should have technical abilities to work camera and excellent listening skills, must respect and value others instructions/ideas.
This/these people operate cameras, following instructions from Assistant Director and director of Photography.
Films the scene using equipment; cameras (2), tripods etc.

Assignment #13

Same follows as #11

The more the better, you show that you research and study filming techniques and consider how to use them when planning your opening sequence.

Here are some to help but you could use others.

Ideally, take print screens (and place them in posts) and explain what you learned. OR make a powerpoint out of it. OR embed the video and explain what you learned in the post. DON'T JUST PROVIDE LINK LIKE I DID BELOW - the moderators don't have time to click and wait - there is very little skill involved in just providing a link as well!

c) (also slow pace) (complicated but cool) (quite basic but you get the idea)
d) (fast)
for slow pace - the library in c)
e) filming techniques video
anything else that inspires you!

Assignment #12

Form of assessment: presentation in class

Follow same structure/assessment sheet as individual presentation (#6)

This is the big presentation which will be assessed on Wednesday Sept 14/11.

Assignment #11

I expect to see some general research which is to be completed either individually or as a group. (colour code if group)

Form of assessment: Complete or incomplete

It is up to you how much effort you put in - this goes towards your research and planning mark out of 20. So, the more and the better the quality, the better.

Assignment #10

Form of assessment: one-to-one

Assignment #9

Individual and then make a single presentation as a group (bring them all together)
Form of assessment: blog

Ignore the scribbles......sorry, copied it from Vanessa!

Progress in Research and Planning assessment of progress

You can use this to assess your progress of your group presentation for your opening sequence. It will remind you of all the things you need and should consider in your research and planning of your opening sequence.

Assignment #6

Form of assessment: one-on-one with teacher

Here is the assessment criteria for this presentation

Assignment #5

Form of assessment: presentation in class

There are 2 presentations you need to refer to for the preliminary task

'Planning for preliminary' is the one I showed in class and it's the instructions

'preliminary task structure' is how to structure the presentation.

Assignment #4

Form of assessment: on blog

Assignment #3

Chosen Partner
Form of assessment: on blog

Assignment #2

Group (1st groups set)
Form of assessment: from blog

Assignment #1

Form of assessment: presentation in class

Assignment (2010-2011 year) List

This is the list of assignments and when they were set and their duedates.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Media Work list and initial deadlines

Attached is your assignment list for last term, over the summer and future.

1-7 should be done and on your blog by MONDAY. It will be marked and part of your first interium grade. You should also have #13 on your blog by Monday.

8-13 was your work over the summer.

Be prepared to present your work (as a proper group presentation) on Wednesday September 14. On Tuesday you will present # 8, 9, 10 and 12. (Keep in mind that 12 is a HUGE presentation!

Be prepared to have a sanction if you are incomplete work. This includes referral to HOY, a letter home and detention.

Remember, it is up to you. Good luck.


Welcome back :)

Hey guys

I didn't get a proper chance to say welcome back and hope you had an amazing holiday, sorry about my bad first day :( I've missed you all and glad to be back and ready to get stuff done!

We've discussed that you need to keep positive and on top of the work. You have now until Christmas to complete your opening sequence (coursework) and both sides of the exam which is January.

This is on top of diploma, AS drama, functional skills and the extended project.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Believe in yourself and you will succeed. I believe in you.

Everything will be posted on this blog so get used to visit it regularly.

The next post will be the list you got before end of term with the summer homework.

Remember, believe in yourself and there is always something to do. In January we'll celebrate.....ok?
